Life is more mystery than misery

(or at least, that's what I like to think)

PD James claims to have solved 1931 cold case murder

ImageI just read this news on the The Guardian this morning! PD James is one of my favorite crime writers, from which I have read all of her novels except the last one (Death comes to Pemberley), originally signed by her,  since I feel I should wait for her to publish another one before reading it, because I feel uncomfortable  knowing that it might be her last novel and not being completely aware of  at the time I am enjoying it for the first time ( yes, I know it’s kind of weird, but still has its logic). Well, imagine my excitement when I’ve found out that she’s not only one of the best mystery writers but she is now applied her knowledge and logical thinking to a real case: the murder of Julia Wallace in Liverpool in 1931, which compares, in her own words  “only to the Ripper murders in 1888 in the amount of writing, both fiction and non-fiction, which it has created”. In an article published in The Sunday Times magazine, the author declares ‘absolute conviction’ that she has identified the real-life killer.

You can read  PD James conclusions on the case that  Raymond Chandler described as the “the nonpareil of all murder mysteries” and Dorothy L Sayers wrote that it “provides for the detective novelist an unrivaled field for speculation” here. Enjoy!

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